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Since first hitching a ride across the Atlantic Ocean in the soil used as ballast in the holds of European merchant ships in the 1700s, pavement ants have made themselves at home here in the United States. Today, these pests can be found throughout the country. Are pavement ants causing problems at your Virginia property?

Identifying Pavement Ants

One of the first signs of a pavement ant infestation is the sight of workers scurrying around. What does a pavement ant look like? Measuring between 2.5 millimeters and 3 millimeters in length, pavement ants are brown or black. Their heads and thoraxes are marked with parallel lines, and their 12-segmented antennae and legs are paler than their bodies. Despite their small stature, these ants have a fierce look if you study them closely thanks to the spines on their back and stingers on their last abdominal segment. However, pavement ants are not considered aggressive. They are capable of biting and stinging, but they rarely resort to such tactics. Instead, they prefer to avoid confrontation whenever possible.

Pavement Ants at Home

Pavement ants get their name from their tendency to nest in gaps in paved surfaces. In fact, small piles of soil found on or around these surfaces is another sign of their presence. These piles are a result of their excavations as they take advantage of openings or edges to burrow under sidewalks, patios, driveways and foundations. Pavement ants will nest under stones as well. Perhaps more problematically, they will also venture inside buildings to nest in walls and under floors. While the thought of sharing space with ants is understandably unpleasant, ants can cause trouble whether they are living inside or outside.
Pavement ants often sneak inside homes and businesses through tiny gaps in their building envelopes in hopes of securing food and water. These pests are not finicky when it comes to food. They will happily consume a wide range of human foods, including meats, breads, fruits, seeds, cheese and grease. Even ice cream is not safe from their appetites. Unfortunately, their efforts can contaminate the surfaces that they scamper over and any foods or liquids that they manage to access.

Solving the Problem of Pavement Ants

Getting rid of a pavement ant infestation is not easy. Like other types of ants, they set up trails to food sources, so even if you manage to eliminate one foraging party, another will be able to follow in its footsteps. To deal with the infestation effectively, you must address the nest, but locating pavement ant nests can be tricky. If pavement ants are causing problems at your property, your best bet is to contact a pest control professional for help.
At Better Termite & Pest Control, we take pride in being fast, flexible, responsive and effective. A family-owned firm that has serviced more than 1 million homes in our 50-year history, we offer a wide range of pest control services, including several green alternatives. As an established local company, we have a deep understanding of both Virginia’s pests and the best methods for eliminating them. If pavement ants or other pests are causing issues on your property, reach out to a company that takes pride in putting the needs of its customers first.
We proudly serve many Virginia towns, so check out our service area! Contact us today to learn more about our services and request a free quote.