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Homeowners who spot spiders in the interior of the residence will likely need to procure an exterminator as soon as possible. Some spider species, in fact, are poisonous. Black widows, which are found in most regions of the country, can be especially dangerous to small children and pets. At Better Termite, we have the knowledge and expertise to deal with any spider infestation. The critters can be removed from the various nooks and crannies of the household before they have a chance to spread to other areas.

Signs of Spiders

While spiders are often spotted in dark corners, there are other signs that spiders are present. Webs can often be found near doors, windows, rafters and wooden beams. Many of these webs may still contain the remains of insects that were caught and eaten. Egg sacs often turn up in garages, sheds, basements and attics. Spiders, in fact, are attracted to areas of high humidity. If the home is already plagued by flies, roaches and other small insects, spiders will often set up colonies near these food sources.

Entering the Home

Spiders are crafty creatures and can enter the home through holes and weaknesses in various areas of the foundation. Windows and doors that do not fit into their frames properly, for example, can cause problems. In some cases, spiders can make their way into the residence through pipes and electrical outlets. Basements, garages and other rooms that are not regularly maintained are most likely to become plagued by infestations.
Spider problems should always be carefully remedied by trained pest control professionals as soon as possible. Call Better Termite today about your spider problems and for a free price quote.